MEAL and a MOVIE Night at MES! Friday, Feb 24th @ 5pm with movie to follow! Meal and movie are FREE for all families. Concessions will be available for purchase with proceeds going to Shoes for Belize! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Girls Basketball Games vs. Laconia for Thursday, 2/9 have been canceled due to weather and will be rescheduled for Monday, 2/12. #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Boys Basketball Game Time Reminder! Games on Friday, 2/10 will begin early to accommodate Athletic Hall of Fame Night activities. JV and JV2 games begin @ 5:15, with Varsity tipping off @ 6:45. Hope to see you there! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Our 7th graders at Mayville Jr/Sr High celebrated the end of Semester 1 with a trip to Cardinal Lanes! Congratulations on a successful first half of the school year! #mayvillecardinals #cardinalpride #mayvilleschools

Thank you to our amazing school counseling team at MSD! We are grateful for you this National School Counseling Week...and ALWAYS! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride #NSCW23

Become a Mayville Cardinal today! The regular Open Enrollment window is now open through Friday, April 28th at 4pm. Go to DPI's website to submit your application and become a part of our Cardinal Family! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

REMINDER! All Junior Class parents! An informational meeting to kick-off the coordination of the annual parent/guardian hosted Post Prom event will be held tonite, Monday, Feb 6th at 6pm in the MHS Library. Anyone interested in assisting with the planning and coordination of Post Prom is encouraged to attend! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

SAVE THE DATE! Mayville PTA Lip Sync Family Night will be Friday, April 14th at 6:30pm in the MHS auditorium! Registration forms are available at each school building. Hope to see you in the audience (if not on stage)! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

The American Heart Association appreciates you for building healthier lives through Kids Heart Challenge at MES! Donations are due Friday, Feb 3! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Senior Blake S. Blake signed a letter of intent to attend Winona State next fall. Congratulations, Blake! Your Cardinal Family will be rooting for you! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Congratulations to our Middle School Honor Band students for a fantastic eight hours of music-making on Wednesday, January 25th! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Good luck to Blake S. as he competes in the Blue-Grey All-American Bowl on Monday, January 30th @ Noon (coverage on ESPN3)! We're so proud of you, Blake! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Our students are having a blast with this year’s Kids Heart Challenge program. If you haven’t yet joined us, now is the time! Once you sign-up, you’ll be on your way to completing Finn’s Mission online where you’ll learn hands-only CPR, the warning signs of a stroke and share the torch with others! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride http://www2.heart.org/goto/mayvilleelementary

We are on our way! Good luck to our Flyway Conference Middle Level Honor Band students in Lomira today! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Attention all Junior Class parents! An informational meeting to kick-off the coordination of the annual parent/guardian hosted Post Prom event will be held on Monday, Feb 6th at 6pm in the MHS Library. Anyone interested in assisting with the planning and coordination of Post Prom is encouraged to attend! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Huge thanks to Purity Hale, our Sales Representative from Linde/Praxair, and Jim Maynard from Miller for the awesome donations of a welder, cart and welding helmets. Per their suggestion, we'll raffle off the welder and cart in the coming months. Stay tuned for more details. Thanks again to both of them and their companies for coming in to talk to the welding classes, as well as the great donation! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Reminder! There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, January 20th (teacher inservice)! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Kids Heart Challenge is officially underway! Our MES students are learning about heart and brain health, meeting kids with special hearts and raising funds for the health of all hearts. Our students will feel good by doing good – knowing they made a difference for kids just like them! Join us today at http://www2.heart.org/goto/mayvilleelementary #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

LAST CALL! Tonight's the night! MHS will host its annual Pep Band Alumni Night tonight (Tuesday, January 17th). Report to the band room at 5:45 for pizza (*free for all alumni!), rehearsal at 6:20 and pregame at 6:30! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Our students are getting ready to Be the Torch and build longer, healthier lives through this year’s Kids Heart Challenge! Mark your Calendars for our kick-off with packets coming home soon. Our celebration will run through Friday, February 3rd when all donations are due! http://www2.heart.org/goto/mayvilleelementary #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride