MES Parent Group tonight, Thursday, March 13th, at 6pm. Topic is how to help your child learn from their mistakes to decrease repeated misbehaviors. All are welcome! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

The Mayville Music Finale will be at the Schauer Center in Hartford on April 6th. Shows at 2pm and 5pm. Featuring our Show Choir, Junior High Show Choir, Incognito (Acapella), and select solo ensemble performers! Tickets are going fast! This event SELLS OUT every year! #mayvillehighschool #pleasesupportthearts #Dogfight #cardinalsingers #Mayvillepride #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

REGISTER TODAY!! Red Cross Blood Drive at MHS on Wed, 4/9. Register for your spot today, help save lives and support student scholarships! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=53050

Reminder!! You're invited! COMMUNITY INFORMATION SESSION to review a district-wide Solar Energy proposal - Monday, March 10th - 6pm - Administration Office (within Parkview Early Learning Center). All are welcome!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

7th graders at Mayville Jr High School earned a field trip to Cardinal Lanes for following the Cardinal Way...Responsible. Respectful. Safe.!!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

In celebration of Read Across America Week 2025, our MHS students visited Parkview Early Learning Center to read to our 3K and 4K learners. What a special treat! Thanks for being such great role models! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

SAVE THE DATE! Red Cross Blood Drive at MHS on Wednesday, April 9th. Register for your spot today, help save lives and support student scholarships! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

REMINDER!! The DPI Open Enrollment window is open now through April 30th at 4pm. Non-resident students not currently attending Mayville Public Schools may apply online for the 25-26 school year. Become a Mayville Cardinal!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

FBLA is collecting cereal boxes for the Mayville Food Pantry throughout March in celebration of National Cereal Day on 3/7! FBLA is challenging students to bring in boxes and place them in their graduating class bin in the school store. If enough cereal boxes are collected, the FBLA students will set them up like dominoes in the gym at the end of the month. Thanks in advance for your support! #MHSFBLA #MayvilleFoodPantry #CommunitySupport #FBLA #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

We’re grateful to Angie Waechter from Blair Fire Protection LLC who spoke at MHS today in celebration of Women in Construction Week! She shared her experiences from her 25-year career in the construction industry. Fun fact: there are approximately 1.3 million women in the US Construction Industry, which makes up about 10% of the construction workforce. That number has risen almost 45% in the last 10 years! Thank you to Ms. Waechter, Blair Fire Protection and Mr. Wasmund and Mr. McFadden for coordinating! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Get your signup form in for the annual Mayville Cares banquet being held at The Meating Place next Thursday, 3/13! The current focus project is the renovation of the Fireman's Field grandstand. Come support a great organization for the Mayville community. Forms are due Friday, 3/7. #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

What a week for our Music Program! We had 71 events participate in the WSMA Solo and Ensemble District Festival held at St. Lawrence Seminary High School. Earlier in the week, we had 9 events perform in the District Festival at Lomira High School. That is 80 events eligible to qualify for State (64 Sr High events and 16 Jr High)! An impressive 56 events scored a rating of 1 or better and 30 of those events earned a 1* rating, advancing them to State at the end of April! Wow!!! Congratulations to all participants! Be proud of all that you have achieved! Thank you to Mr. Dobbratz, Mr. Cooney, and Ms. Twigg…this doesn't happen without you! #mayvillepride #mayvillemusicdept #mayvillechoirs #mayvilleband #cardinalpride #musicislife #mayvilleschools

You're invited! COMMUNITY INFORMATION SESSION to review a district-wide Solar Energy proposal - Monday, March 10th - 6pm - Administration Office (within Parkview Early Learning Center). All are welcome!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Mayville Wrestling Fundraiser at Don Ramon this Thursday, 3/6, from 11am-9pm. Basket raffles and more - a portion of the proceeds from the day will go to support Mayville Wrestling. Please consider coming out to support! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Mayville PTA Lip Sync Family Night tickets now available!! Get yours today!!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride #MayvilleWIPTA

MHS sophomore Lilian Mansueto's team plays for the sectional champ title at the Janesville Ice Arena tonight! A win earns a spot in the WIAA state tournament! GOOD LUCK to Lilian and the Beaver Dam Co-op Girls Hockey Team!!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

Parker Bangart, MHS freshman, will be competing at the WIAA Wrestling State Championships at the Kohl Center in Madison tonight, 2/27, at 6pm. MHS will hold a Victor's Parade through the halls at 12:45 to send him off. Please feel free to join us. Good Luck, Parker!! #mayvillecardinals #cardinalpride

LAST CALL! Please consider donating new & gently used casual shoes and sandals to support the Shoes for Belize mission sponsored by the MHS FBLA and FFA students. Donation bin is located in the Cardinal's Nest School Store and donations will be accepted thru the end of February. Working together WE CAN make a difference!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride #fbla #ffa #youcanmission #communityservice #mayvillehighschool

Parent Group session at MES Thursday, 2/20 at 6pm! All are welcome...more info below! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride

4K INFO NIGHT!!! Calling all incoming 4-yr-olds! Mayville 4K Information Night is Thursday, 2/20, 6pm at Parkview Early Learning Center. Meet our team, learn about our program for 2025-26 and ask ??s. Hope to see you there! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride