Online Registration Now Open!


REMINDER! Online registration for the 2021-22 school year begins today and runs through Friday, July 30th. The registration process must be completed for all students (new and returning) who plan to attend Mayville School for the 2021-22 school year.

QUESTIONS? Call your school office for assistance during regular office hours, or stop by on Thursday, July 29th at MMS (445 N. Henninger St.) to use district-provided laptops or to get help from one of our staff members from 4pm until 7pm.

Follow this link to access the Skyward login page to begin the process:

Additional Information:

  • Fee Payment – The 2021-22 Fee Worksheet form will only be required to be filled out if paying registration or co-curricular fees by cash or check (online payment is available through e-Funds and credit card processing fees are paid by the district through August 30th). 
  • Pre-packed School Supplies – a link to the Mayville PTA sponsored pre-packaged school supplies store is provided within registration, but if you’d prefer to place your order at a later time you may do so by entering your school name or zip code at this link:
  • Lifetouch School Photos – a link to the Lifetouch Photo site is included within registration, but if you’d prefer to place your order separately you may do so by using the appropriate school code for each student. Visit the Lifetouch website at and enter the code(s) below. Multiple students may be combined into a single order.
    • Parkview Primary: EVTQVV2JB
    • Mayville Middle: EVT93SZT7
    • Mayville High: EVT48NB3K
  • Contact Us:
    • Parkview: 920-387-7973 ext. 2001
    • Middle School: 920-387-7970 ext. 3002
    • High School: 920-387-7960 ext. 4002